

The Deacons provide a systematic plan for reaching every family unit in the church through the Sunday School. They assist with the needs in establishing priorities and planning projects for Sunday School classes and evaluate and report to the Pastor and the Board of Christian Education the status of the Sunday School class. They are an agent of peace and spiritual harmony in the Lord’s church and among His people and refrain from engaging in any behavior that will bring shame, reproach and God’s wraith upon the Lord’s church and himself. They assist in the overall care and maintenance of the church properties.


Assists the Pastor in the structuring of church ministries and with the appointment of persons to serve as ministry leaders. They keep the Pastor informed of any specific or needed changes of ministries and in evaluating all ministries. They attend workshops, seminars, etc. as often as possible. They assist the Pastor in long-range planning for the Church.



Assist with the preparation of the serving of the Lord’s Supper and in the preparation of the candidates for baptism. Makes themselves available to all members of the congregation. Keeps the Pastor informed of members with special needs. Schedules members of this ministry to prepare, serve and restore communion utensils.


Collects and counts all contributions made to the church. Deposits all money and keeps accurate records of all deposits. Keeps the Pastor informed concerning receipts of money. Keeps a supply of all contribution envelopes.




Calls prospects and follow up. Coordinate baptismal services assuring that notices are sent to the candidates who are to be baptized and persons who will assist the Pastor. File correspondence, letters, sermon materials, and miscellaneous materials for the membership. Keeps the Pastor informed of deaths, illnesses, and other crises of the membership. Notifies various ministries of meetings and keeps a schedule of all ministry meetings and events held under the church’s name.. Receives and file all minutes of the ministries and committees of the church. Prepares bulletins for Sunday services and other special events. Maintains stock of office supplies. To keep a list of assignments, dates started and completed. Certifies active and inactive church roll. Is the custodian of all church records. Certifies that all bills are paid. Prepares and sort mail for mailing and see that it is taken to the post office. Writes letters to new members and visitors. Certifies all receipts. Assists the Pastor and families with weddings and funeral arrangements. Perform other duties as assigned by the Pastor.


Collects information from new members when they join the church and introduces the new members to the church body. Forwards new members’ information to the church secretary. Commences orientation for new members.


Supervises the staff of workers in the Church School, including the Assistant Superintendent, teachers, assistant teachers, substitute teachers, pianist, and devotion leaders. Procures proper equipment and materials for the Church School. Attends teachers’ meetings, Christian education meetings, and teacher training workshops. Provides for and direct the growth of the Church School. Coordinates classes within various divisions. Encourages all leaders and members to attend Sunday School.



Enlists all Baptist men in mission activities. Attends to specific needs of individual members and informs members of resources available for specific needs. Contacts all Baptist men concerning specific events. Encourages all Baptist men to attend Sunday school, worship service, and Bible study and to be available to perform needed chores at the church. Assist the Director of Christian Education with preparation for special events, moving of furniture, etc. Assists in the maintenance of the church ground. Assists worshipers with parking.



Assist the Pastor in developing and implementing mission activities for the entire church. Assists Youth Directors by offering counseling and support in ministering to the Youth. Plans recreation activities and outings for the Church. Encourages all members to become active in the Sunday School and Bible studies. Plans and implements a continuous visitation program. Evaluates and report to the Pastor the status of mission activities.


Surveys the needs and consider realistically the area of concern to be included in a ministry to senior adults. Keeps the church informed of senior adult needs and ministry plans through all appropriate channels. Plans and participates in a continuous visitation program of senior adult members, particularly those in hospitals, nursing homes, and home-bound shut-ins. Plans trips and special events for senior adults and helps enlist and supervise senior adults to do volunteer work in the ministries of the church and outreach ministries.


Has a general oversight of all youth activities in the church. Plans all programs and activities for the youth of the church and coordinate these activities with the heads of other ministries. Supervise and provide chaperons for youth functions as requested by the Pastor. Promote and publicize the youth activities of the church. Works in cooperation with the Athletic Director in areas of recreation for the youth. Attends workshops and enrichment seminars for Christian workers.



Secures announcements from the church secretary. Clears all announcements with the Pastor. (Under no circumstances are announcements to be made that have not been cleared by the Pastor.) Institutes a rotating schedule for announcers and to inform the Pastor of the announcer for each Sunday. Returns all announcements to church secretary.




Make sure offering plates, church bulletins, and other needed aids and supplies are in their proper places. Assists worshipers and provide each person with a printed order of service. Creates an atmosphere of genuine welcome and concern for all who are attending worship services. Distributes and receives visitors’ cards. Provides directions and answer questions of worshipers during the services. Is attentive to the needs of worshipers during the services. Insures all programs, Bibles, songs books, etc. are in place before leaving the sanctuary.



Attends all rehearsals and services that require musical accompaniment. Works harmoniously with musicians. Encourages all choir members to participate in witnessing and outreach ministries. Ensures rehearsal area and sanctuary are clean, all books, notes, etc. are in place before leaving. Ensures choir members are notified when and where to wear robes and make sure they are properly stored



Attends all rehearsals and services that require musical accompaniment. Performs for all services of the church, both regular and special as requested by the Pastor Performs for special meetings within the church such as evangelistic conferences, weddings and funerals, when requested.


Provides a unique atmosphere for children from birth to 4th grade to learn about the gospel on a more child-friendly level. Children are taught by Sunday School teachers using materials for the Children’s Church and participate in teacher lead skits, songs and other learning exercise.



Responsible for the safekeeping, protection, maintenance, and repair of the church vehicles. Make recommendations or take actions should emergency necessitate regarding replacement of worn out items or equipment of the vehicles. Work with each church ministry as it relates to transportation needs and to be sure that the church secretary and pastor knows of these needs. Establishes routes and time as it relates to the bus ministry. Provides transportation for worship services to those individuals that need the service.



Designs and implement a program for financial aid and financial aid instructions. Conducts seminars on how to obtain financial aid. Supplies information to families whose financial status changes. Provides loan information for applicants. Encourages giving to scholarship fund. Keeps updated information with church students and preports unmet needs to the Pastor.



Enlists interested persons in the Drama Ministry. Esuresthat an atmosphere always exist that is conductive for rehearsals. Plans and schedule drama activities in advance and ensures that all drama activities are promoted properly.



Keeps grass and shrubbery cut and edged neatly. Keeps paper, cans, and other debris off the church grounds at all times. Ensures that all equipment is properly maintained. Informs church secretary and pastor of any maintenance issues. Maintains floors and vacuum carpets as scheduled. Maintains clean restrooms and replenish supplies.


Ensures audio and video equipment is performing properly. Records and/or video designated events. Ensures all services are property amplified.


Attends community meetings as a representative of the church. Keeps the pastor and congregation abreast on upcoming community meetings. Suggests community events in which the church should participate.