Our Mission

to reach every individual possible with the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ and to equip all believers with knowledge of the scripture so they might grow spiritually, serve God and one another faithfully.

If you would like to sew into a ministry or give your tithes, you can now do so online! Our CashApp info: $TrueLifeBaptist

During this period of social distancing, we will still be having all services.  For those who are unable to attend but wish to listen to Pastor Small’s sermon or the Wednesday Sunday School Lesson & Bible Study, we will be using a live conference call presentation.  Sunday worship will connect at 10:45 a.m. and Wednesday Sunday School Lesson & Bible Study at 6:10 p.m.  To join the calls please dial: 1-313-209-8800, then enter the Conference ID: 7911320.


Our current Mid-week Bible study is on the book of Revelations.  Please join on on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 p.m.